Renewable Energy Sources

The basic classes of renewable energy sources are as follows.
You can find detailed information for each resource below.
֍ Solar energy
֍ Wind power
֍ Bioenergy / Biomass Energy
֍ Geothermal energy
֍ Hydroelectric Energy
֍ Hydrogen Energy
֍ Wave Energy

Solar energy:
The sun is the energy source for all planets in the solar system. It is an indispensable resource especially for all living things living in our world. Solar panels are among the most important renewable energy sources today, especially with the practicality of their use in the summer months and the great reductions they provide in electricity bills. Water can be heated with solar panels, which we frequently encounter on the roofs of houses in cities and villages, the hot water need of the house can be met, or the hot water can be used to meet the heating need by giving the heating system of the house. Solar energy technologies provide heat or electricity generation by collecting sun rays. Solar energy is evaluated in the form of light, heat and electricity. Solar systems convert the collected energy directly into electricity and can be placed on building roofs, appliances, cars. Concentrated solar power plants can be used for electricity or heat generation by working on the basis of reflecting solar radiation to a relatively small area with mirror and lens assemblies.

Wind power:
The source of wind energy is actually solar energy. Since solar energy does not heat lands and seas at the same rate, the resulting pressure difference creates the wind. Wind turbines, which are established in regions where the effect of the wind is felt, transform the existing kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy first and then into electrical energy. The energy obtained from the wind depends on the current speed of the wind and its blowing time. Wind energy meets 2% of the world’s electricity needs today. Wind turbine technologies have little harmful effect on the environment compared to other electricity generation techniques.

Bioenergy / Biomass Energy
This type of energy is an inexhaustible resource, it can be obtained everywhere, it is seen as a suitable and important energy source especially for rural areas as it helps socio-economic developments. Specially grown plants such as corn and wheat, herbs, algae, algae in the sea, animal excrement, fertilizer and industrial waste, all organic waste (fruit and vegetable residues) disposed of from homes are sources of biomass. Despite the depletion of fossil fuels (coal, etc.) and the environmental pollution it creates, the use of biomass is becoming increasingly important to solve the energy problem.

Geothermal energy:
Geothermal means ground heat. Waters formed as a result of natural events and especially rainfall reach the magma layer through the earth’s crust cracks. These warming waters in the magma layer reach the earth as hot water and steam. Thanks to these water and steam turbines reaching the earth, it can be transformed into many types of energy. When we look in general, the thermal energy stored in the earth’s crust constitutes geothermal energy. This energy that is extracted to the earth is converted into electrical energy with the established power plants. They can also be used in central heating and cooling systems used in homes and workplaces, in many physical therapy centers and touristic centers preferred by patients.

Hydroelectric Energy:
Hydroelectric energy is based on using the energy of running water and converting this energy into electrical energy. Hydroelectric power plants are renewable. They are a clean energy source for nature. These plants will be more useful in these areas, as the flow rate of water will be high in places with high altitude. Since the energy of the flowing water in hydroelectric power plants is taken as basis, it is used in developing fishing, facilitating transportation, irrigation and mostly in energy production.

Hydrogen Energy:
Due to the technology and production difficulties used today, its use is not very common yet. However, with the advancement of technology, it is one of the most important candidates in meeting the energy needs of the world as a clean energy source. In the future, we can mention that hydrogen energy will be used in the production of electricity, heat and fuel cells.

Wave / Ocean Energy:
One can actually think of the oceans as two separate energy sources. The first is thermal energy due to solar heat, and the second is mechanical energy fed from waves and tides. Oceans, which cover 70% of the surface of the world, also constitute the world’s largest

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